Sunday, December 29, 2019

12 lessons you learn or regret forever

12 lessons you learn or regret forever12 lessons you learn or regret foreverSticking yur neck out and taking dienstgrad of your career is no trivial matter. Whether thats switching careers, going back to school, or walking away from a j-o-b to start your own business, it takes a lot of guts.But guts will only get you so far. Once you build up the nerve and make the leap, youre no mora than 5% of the way there. You still have to succeed in your new endeavor, and trying to succeed is when your worst fears (the ones that made you hesitate in the first place) will come true.Im going to assume youre like me and dont have a brilliant mentor, a rich uncle, or some other person who is going to show you the ropes and explain each step you need to take to take charge of your career.You see, its been almost 20 years since I last had a boss. I went from working in a surf shop to striking out on my own, eventually startingTalentSmart(with a partner) before Id finished grad school.When I platzplat zdeckchen out on my own, I had all the gumption and appetite for risk that I needed to take charge of my career. At the time I thought that was all I needed to succeed.It wasnt. I also needed guidance. Without it, I learned some difficult (and often painful) lessons along the way.Id like to share some of my biggest lessons learned with you so that they can help you as you take charge of your career (in whatever form that takes). As I look back on these lessons, I realize that theyre really great reminders for us all.1. Confidence must come firstSuccessful people often exude confidence - its obvious that they believe in themselves and what theyre doing. It isnt their success that makes them confident, however. The confidence was there first.Think about itDoubt breeds doubt.Why would anyone believe in you, your ideas, or your abilities if you didnt believe in them yourself?It takes confidence to reach for new challenges.People who are fearful or insecure tend to stay within their com fort zones. But comfort zones rarely expand on their own. Thats why people who lack confidence get stuck in dead-end jobs and let valuable opportunities pass them by.Unconfident people often feel at the mercy of external circumstances.Successful people arent deterred by obstacles, which is how they rise up in the first place.Confidence is a crucial building block in a successful career, and embracing it fully will take you places you never thought possible. No one is stopping you from what you want to accomplish but yourself. Its time to remove any barriers created by self-doubt.2. Youre living the life that youve createdYou are not a victim of circumstance. No one can force you to make decisions and take actions that run contrary to your values and aspirations. The circumstances youre living in today are your own - you created them.Likewise, your future is entirely up to you. If youre feeling stuck, its probably because youre afraid to take the risks necessary to achieve your goal s and live your dreams.When its time to take action, remember that its always better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of one you dont.3. Being busy does not equal being productiveLook at everyone around you. They all seem so busy - running from meeting to meeting and firing off emails. Yet how many of them are really producing, really succeeding at a high level?Success doesnt come from movement and activity. It comes from focus - from ensuring that your time is used efficiently and productively. You get the same number of hours in the day as everyone else. Use yours wisely. After all, youre the product of your output, not your effort. Make certain your efforts are dedicated to tasks that get results.4. Youre only as good as those you associate withYou should strive to surround yourself with people who inspire you, people who make you want to be better. And you probably do. But what about the people who drag you down? Why do you allow them to be a part of your life?Anyone who makes you feel worthless, anxious, or uninspired is wasting your time and, quite possibly, making you more like them. Life is too short to associate with people like this. Cut them loose.5. Squash your negative self-talkWhen youre taking charge of your career, you wont always have a cheerleader in your corner. This magnifies the effects of self-doubt. The more you ruminate on negative thoughts, the more power you give them. Most of our negative thoughts are just that - thoughts, not facts.When you find yourself believing the negative and pessimistic things your inner voice says, its time to stop and write them down. Literally stop what youre doing and write down what youre thinking.Once youve taken a moment to slow down the negative momentum of your thoughts, you will be more rational and clear-headed in evaluating their veracity.6. Avoid asking What if?What if? statements throw fuel on the fire of stress and worry, which are detrimental to reaching yo ur goals. Things can go in a million different directions, and the more time you spend worrying about the possibilities, the less time youll spend taking action and staying productive. Asking what if? will only take you to a place you dont want - or need - to go. Of course, scenario planning is a necessary and effective planning technique. The key distinction here is to recognize the difference between worry and strategic thinking about your future.7. Schedule exercise and sleepI cant say enough about the importance of quality sleep. When you sleep your brain removes toxic proteins from its neurons that are by-products of neural activity when youre awake. Unfortunately, your brain can remove them adequately only while youre asleep.So when you dont get enough sleep, the toxic proteins remain in your brain cells, wreaking havoc by impairing your ability to think - something no amount of caffeine can fix.Your self-control, attention, and memory are all reduced when you dont get enou gh - or the right kind - of sleep. Sleep deprivation raises stress hormone levels on its own, even without a stressor present, which are a major productivity killer.Ambition often makes you feel as if you must sacrifice sleep to stay productive, but sleep deprivation diminishes your productivity so much throughout the day that youre better off sleeping.A study conducted at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically, and athletically. They also rated their body image and self-esteem higher.Best of all, rather than the physical changes in their bodies being responsible for the uptick in confidence, it was the immediate, endorphin-fueled positivity from exercise that made all the difference. Schedule your exercise to make certain it happens, or the days will just schlpfer away.8. Seek out small victoriesSmall victories can seem unimportant when youre really after something big, but small victories build new androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation.This increase in androgen receptors increases the influence of testosterone, which further increases your confidence and your eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.9. Dont say yes unless you really want toResearch conducted at the University of California in Berkeley shows that the more difficulty that you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burnout, and even depression, all of which make it difficult to take charge of your career.Saying no is indeed a major challenge for many people. No is a powerful word that you should not be afraid to wield.When its time to say no, avoid phrases like I dont think I can or Im not certain. Saying no to a new commitment honors your existing commitments and gives you the opportunity to successfully fulfill them.10. Dont seek perfec tionDont set perfection as your target. It doesnt exist. Human beings, by our very nature, are fallible.When perfection is your goal, youre always left with a nagging sense of failure that makes you want to give up or reduce your effort. You end up spending your time lamenting what you failed to accomplish and what you should have done differently instead of moving forward excited about what youve achieved and what you will accomplish in the future.11. Focus on solutionsWhere you focus your attention determines your emotional state. When you fixate on the problems that youre facing, you create and prolong negative emotions which hinder your ability to reach your goals.When you focus on the actions youll take to better yourself and your circumstances, you create a sense of personal efficacy that produces positive emotions and improves performance.12. Forgive yourselfWhen you slip up, it is critical that you forgive yourself and move on. Dont ignore how the mistake makes you feel just dont wallow in it. Instead, shift your attention to what youre going to do to improve yourself in the future.Failure can erode your self-confidence and make it hard to believe youll achieve a better outcome in the future. Most of the time, failure results from taking risks and trying to achieve something that isnt easy.Success lies in your ability to rise in the face of failure, and you cant do this when youre living in the past. Anything worth achieving is going to require you to take some risks, and you cant allow failure to stop you from believing in your ability to succeed.When you live in the past, that is exactly what happens, and your past becomes your present, preventing you from moving forward.Bringing it all togetherI hope these lessons are as useful to you as they have been to me over the years. As I write them, Im reminded of their power and my desire to use them every day.Travis Bradberry is the coauthor of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and the cofounder of TalentSmart.Th is article originally appeared onLinkedIn.12 lessons you learn or regret foreverSticking your neck out and taking charge of your career is no trivial matter. Whether thats switching careers, going back to school, or walking away from a j-o-b to start your own business, it takes a lot of guts.But guts will only get you so far. Once you build up the nerve and make the leap, youre no more than 5% of the way there. You still have to succeed in your new endeavor, and trying to succeed is when your worst fears (the ones that made you hesitate in the first place) will come true.Im going to assume youre like me and dont have a brilliant mentor, a rich uncle, or some other person who is going to show you the ropes and explain each step you need to take to take charge of your career.You see, its been almost 20 years since I last had a boss. I went from working in a surf shop to striking out on my own, eventually startingTalentSmart(with a partner) before Id finished grad school.When I set out on my own, I had all the gumption and appetite for risk that I needed to take charge of my career. At the time I thought that was all I needed to succeed.It wasnt. I also needed guidance. Without it, I learned some difficult (and often painful) lessons along the way.Id like to share some of my biggest lessons learned with you so that they can help you as you take charge of your career (in whatever form that takes). As I look back on these lessons, I realize that theyre really great reminders for us all.1. Confidence must come firstSuccessful people often exude confidence - its obvious that they believe in themselves and what theyre doing. It isnt their success that makes them confident, however. The confidence was there first.Think about itDoubt breeds doubt.Why would anyone believe in you, your ideas, or your abilities if you didnt believe in them yourself?It takes confidence to reach for new challenges.People who are fearful or insecure tend to stay within their comfort zones. B ut comfort zones rarely expand on their own. Thats why people who lack confidence get stuck in dead-end jobs and let valuable opportunities pass them by.Unconfident people often feel at the mercy of external circumstances.Successful people arent deterred by obstacles, which is how they rise up in the first place.Confidence is a crucial building block in a successful career, and embracing it fully will take you places you never thought possible. No one is stopping you from what you want to accomplish but yourself. Its time to remove any barriers created by self-doubt.2. Youre living the life that youve createdYou are not a victim of circumstance. No one can force you to make decisions and take actions that run contrary to your values and aspirations. The circumstances youre living in today are your own - you created them.Likewise, your future is entirely up to you. If youre feeling stuck, its probably because youre afraid to take the risks necessary to achieve your goals and live yo ur dreams.When its time to take action, remember that its always better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than at the top of one you dont.3. Being busy does not equal being productiveLook at everyone around you. They all seem so busy - running from meeting to meeting and firing off emails. Yet how many of them are really producing, really succeeding at a high level?Success doesnt come from movement and activity. It comes from focus - from ensuring that your time is used efficiently and productively. You get the same number of hours in the day as everyone else. Use yours wisely. After all, youre the product of your output, not your effort. Make certain your efforts are dedicated to tasks that get results.4. Youre only as good as those you associate withYou should strive to surround yourself with people who inspire you, people who make you want to be better. And you probably do. But what about the people who drag you down? Why do you allow them to be a part of your life?Anyone who makes you feel worthless, anxious, or uninspired is wasting your time and, quite possibly, making you more like them. Life is too short to associate with people like this. Cut them loose.5. Squash your negative self-talkWhen youre taking charge of your career, you wont always have a cheerleader in your corner. This magnifies the effects of self-doubt. The more you ruminate on negative thoughts, the more power you give them. Most of our negative thoughts are just that - thoughts, not facts.When you find yourself believing the negative and pessimistic things your inner voice says, its time to stop and write them down. Literally stop what youre doing and write down what youre thinking.Once youve taken a moment to slow down the negative momentum of your thoughts, you will be more rational and clear-headed in evaluating their veracity.6. Avoid asking What if?What if? statements throw fuel on the fire of stress and worry, which are detrimental to reaching your goals. Thi ngs can go in a million different directions, and the more time you spend worrying about the possibilities, the less time youll spend taking action and staying productive. Asking what if? will only take you to a place you dont want - or need - to go. Of course, scenario planning is a necessary and effective planning technique. The key distinction here is to recognize the difference between worry and strategic thinking about your future.7. Schedule exercise and sleepI cant say enough about the importance of quality sleep. When you sleep your brain removes toxic proteins from its neurons that are by-products of neural activity when youre awake. Unfortunately, your brain can remove them adequately only while youre asleep.So when you dont get enough sleep, the toxic proteins remain in your brain cells, wreaking havoc by impairing your ability to think - something no amount of caffeine can fix.Your self-control, attention, and memory are all reduced when you dont get enough - or the right kind - of sleep. Sleep deprivation raises stress hormone levels on its own, even without a stressor present, which are a major productivity killer.Ambition often makes you feel as if you must sacrifice sleep to stay productive, but sleep deprivation diminishes your productivity so much throughout the day that youre better off sleeping.A study conducted at the Eastern Ontario Research Institute found that people who exercised twice a week for 10 weeks felt more competent socially, academically, and athletically. They also rated their body image and self-esteem higher.Best of all, rather than the physical changes in their bodies being responsible for the uptick in confidence, it was the immediate, endorphin-fueled positivity from exercise that made all the difference. Schedule your exercise to make certain it happens, or the days will just slip away.8. Seek out small victoriesSmall victories can seem unimportant when youre really after something big, but small victories build n ew androgen receptors in the areas of the brain responsible for reward and motivation.This increase in androgen receptors increases the influence of testosterone, which further increases your confidence and your eagerness to tackle future challenges. When you have a series of small victories, the boost in your confidence can last for months.9. Dont say yes unless you really want toResearch conducted at the University of California in Berkeley shows that the more difficulty that you have saying no, the more likely you are to experience stress, burnout, and even depression, all of which make it difficult to take charge of your career.Saying no is indeed a major challenge for many people. No is a powerful word that you should not be afraid to wield.When its time to say no, avoid phrases like I dont think I can or Im not certain. Saying no to a new commitment honors your existing commitments and gives you the opportunity to successfully fulfill them.10. Dont seek perfectionDont set perf ection as your target. It doesnt exist. Human beings, by our very nature, are fallible.When perfection is your goal, youre always left with a nagging sense of failure that makes you want to give up or reduce your effort. You end up spending your time lamenting what you failed to accomplish and what you should have done differently instead of moving forward excited about what youve achieved and what you will accomplish in the future.11. Focus on solutionsWhere you focus your attention determines your emotional state. When you fixate on the problems that youre facing, you create and prolong negative emotions which hinder your ability to reach your goals.When you focus on the actions youll take to better yourself and your circumstances, you create a sense of personal efficacy that produces positive emotions and improves performance.12. Forgive yourselfWhen you slip up, it is critical that you forgive yourself and move on. Dont ignore how the mistake makes you feel just dont wallow in i t. Instead, shift your attention to what youre going to do to improve yourself in the future.Failure can erode your self-confidence and make it hard to believe youll achieve a better outcome in the future. Most of the time, failure results from taking risks and trying to achieve something that isnt easy.Success lies in your ability to rise in the face of failure, and you cant do this when youre living in the past. Anything worth achieving is going to require you to take some risks, and you cant allow failure to stop you from believing in your ability to succeed.When you live in the past, that is exactly what happens, and your past becomes your present, preventing you from moving forward.Bringing it all togetherI hope these lessons are as useful to you as they have been to me over the years. As I write them, Im reminded of their power and my desire to use them every day.Travis Bradberry is the coauthor of Emotional Intelligence 2.0 and the cofounder of TalentSmart.This article origin ally appeared onLinkedIn.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The time of day has a significant effect on your productivity

The time of day has a significant effect on yur productivityThe time of day has a significant effect on your productivityMore hours does not guarantee peak performance.All times of day are not created equal, says Daniel Pink, author ofWhen The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing.Our performance varies considerably over the course of the day, and what task to do at a certain time really depends on the nature of the task. If we look at the evidence, we can be doing the right work, at the right time, hesaidin an interview.You can pack more into each day if you did everything at the optimal time.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreEveryone aims to do better at work every day but peak performance is a question of time. For personal efficiency, the question iswhen.The human body operates in cycles, and they can be influenced by daylight, darkness, food, noise, and silence.Your brain, bod y and hormone respond to stimuli and the body clock differently.A growing body ofresearch on ultradian rhythmssuggests that our day is driven by cycles that affect how alert and productive we are.The results of this research clearly show that the human body goes through cycles of between 90 and 120 minutes.Through each of these cycles we are taken from an unproductive trough to a productive peak, and then back again.This pattern was first noticed by sleep researcher Nathaniel Kleitman, which caused a mountain of research to be conducted in this area.Another studypublished in Thinking Reasoningfound out that we tend to think more creativity when were tired.A study by Mareike Wieth and Rose Zacks suggested that innovation and creativity are often the greatest in moments of fatigue, based on our circadian rhythms.Fatigue and tiredness have been shown to free up thinking along non-linear paths, leading us to find new solutions to existing problems. So your bodys internal body clock is the best clue to how productive you can be.Peak periods of physical and mental energy differ from person to person.Everyone has different energy levels based on external and internal factors. The knowledge of your peak times can help you plan your day better.Brian Tracy calls this yourprime time. Your internal prime time is the time of day, according to your body clock, when you are the most alert and productive.The single most important productivity advice you need to follow is this Match your highest priority work to your most productive hours.The peak time for everythingOur body clock is a small group of cells made up of unique body clock genes.These cells turn on and off and tell other parts of the body what time it is and what to do.Paying attention to the body clock, and its effects on energy and alertness can help pinpoint the different times of day when most of us perform our best at specific tasks.At the beginning of the cycle, we experience heightened energy and focus, and at the end, we may feel scatterbrained and fatigued.For many people working in the AM feels effortless, but PMs are always a struggle.If you take note of how your body reacts to work at any time of day, you will be able to figure out when you should focus on getting stuff done, when to brainstorm, and most importantly when you should avoid meetings.When the bodys master clock can synchronize functioning of all its metabolic, cardiovascular and behavioural rhythms in response to light and other natural stimuli, it gives us an edge in daily life, says Steve Kay, a professor of molecular and computational biology at the University of Southern California.But, what is the best day for you (or your team) to be productive?Peak productivity, it seems, happens at the same time during your workday, no matter where you are in the world.A two-year globalstudyconducted by project management software company Redbooth found that productivity among office workers worldwide is at its highest point at 11 a.m., and plummets completely after 4 p.m.John Trougakos, an associate professor of organizational behavior at the University of Toronto in Canada, says about 75% of people tend to be the most mentally alert between 9 a.m and 11 a.m.And a survey that looked into the habits of 2,000 UK workers seems to agree with Trougakos research, showing Tuesday morning as the most productive time for Brits.The findings are consistent with the considerable research on the ebbs and flows of mental acuity, says Don Drummond, economist and adjunct professor at Queens University in Kingston, Ontario.Perhaps its no surprise that we get the least amount of work done on a Friday, with Redbooths survey showing a 20% drop in productivity across the globe.Sleepiness also tends to peak around 2 p.m., making that a good time for a nap, says Martin Moore-Ede, chairman and chief executive of Circadian, a Stoneham, Mass., training and consulting firm.To get a little more precise and make sure youre really matching your best work to your peak times, try experimenting.Tackle complex projects early in the day, make time for brainstorming, meetings and collaboration in the afternoon.Most people are more easily distracted from noon to 4 p.m., according to recent research led by Robert Matchock, an associate professor of psychology at Pennsylvania State University.But guess, what surprisingly, fatigue boost creative powers.Problems that require open-ended thinking are often best tackled in the evening when you are tired, according to a study in the journal Thinking Reasoning.People who work with instead of against their ultradian rhythm perform better. Its critical that you acknowledge your bodys natural rhythms and align your periods of work and relaxation with them to work in a sustainable productive way.It requires a lot of research on yourself and a big time commitment up front, but the personal productivity insights youll get out of it can pay off in the long-run.This simple method c an help you organize your days around your energy, not your time.The experiment for better cycleinsights1.Pick a day and start tracking how you spend it.2.Eliminate any factors that could mess with your energy?- ?changes in caffeine intake is a big one, staying up late is another.3.Start recording what youre accomplishing once an hour. Rate your energy level, motivation, focus on the process of work, every day.4.Chris Bailey,author of The Productivity Project Accomplishing More by Managing Your Time, Attention, and Energy, took a year off to experiment with productivity.He suggests recording scores for focus, energy, and motivation for three weeks, at the same time each day, to find your sweet spot. The longer you track your productivity, the more reliable your insights will be.You will see trends even after one week of tracking, but the more data you gather, the more reliable your trends will be.5.Take a few minutes each day to reflect on your previous day/week. Do you notice any p atterns? When are you most focused? When do you notice a surge or dip in energy?What times do you reach for coffee in the day? These patterns can reveal when youre at your best and when you should take a break to refresh.6.Write down how you spend your minutes and keep notes on how you felt. Be honest. Sometimes you can identify that you feel on a roll, which is a good sign that youre figuring out something about your productivity.7.The exact details that you record may vary, but to get the most accurate results youll need to be as consistent as possible.Patterns will show themselves if you start tracking it. Time and activity tracking software like Rescue Time and Toggl can be a big help here.8.Youre bound to discover some very interesting things about what drives your productivity. If you can diligently track all three weeks, can you do more at the right time.9.Try a combination of things during this process, including waking up an hour earlier, meditating, exercise, and taking lo nger breaks to find out if they affect your peak times. Do more of what works. The variables you choose to alter are countless. Have fun with it10.Once you figure out your most productive time of day, rearrange your tasks and put your important, high-concentration tasks in periods where youre highly productive and place less important, low-concentration tasks in periods where youre not very productive.I did this experiment for three months and discovered my energy and capacity for intense deep work diminish after 12 pm.This has changed how I work and write.Closing thoughtsA better understanding of the bodys hidden pattern can allow you to do the right work at the right time.Paying attention to your body clock, and its effects on energy and alertness can help pinpoint the different times of day when you can do your best work.Your internal clocks deserve more respect.Seize the day and do your best work every day.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscienc e reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Friday, December 20, 2019

Interview Questions About Full-Time vs. Part-Time Hours

Interview Questions About Full-Time vs. Part-Time HoursInterview Questions About Full-Time vs. Part-Time HoursIf you interview for atemporaryorpart-time job, the interviewer might ask if youd ever considered a permanent or full-time position. He or she might ask because a full-time position is opening up soon or to see how interested you really are in working for the company. Heres how to answer interview questions about working a full-time job versus a part-time job. Whether you would want a full-time job or not, you should at least say you would consider it, unless you are absolutely sure you never would. You should also speak positively about the job you are applying for, and the company. What to Say When Youre Asked About a Full-Time Job Would you prefer full-time employment topart-timeif a job were available? can be a trickyinterview question. On the one hand, if you are hoping that the job will turn into a full-time position, you want your prospective employer to consider y ou first should the opportunity arise.On the other hand, you dont want to raise the doubt that should a full-time position present itself, you would walk out of yourpart-timecommitment. Be cautious when you respond and keep your answer general, so youre not committing to one type of employment or the other. If you know you dont want a full-time job, explain why you prefer apart-timeor temporary job. Keep your answer brief. Focus on what you like about the job youre applying for and unless you know you would never want a permanent job, explain that you might be interested in a permanent job in the future. You never know when your opinion might change, so you should always keep that door open. If you know youd like a full-time job, express your interest enthusiastically. Briefly explain why youre qualified for a full-time position. Sample Answers About Full-Time vs Part-Time Employment The following answers would work well be sure to tailor them to your particular situation Right now, my education/family/children prevent me from considering full-time employment, but I wouldnt rule it out at some point in the future.Whats important to me is that I enjoy the work and the people Im working with. I have many interests, and having a part-time job allows me the time to pursue them.Im interested in this position at your company because (give the aspects of the job that interest you most). Im available to work part-time but Im interested in exploring opportunities at your company. In addition, you can discuss your flexibility for hours, days of the week, and shifts you are available. This will show the interviewer how you could be a good fit for their needs. Sample Answers for When You Prefer to Work Full-Time and the Job is Part-Time Employers may post jobs as part-time or temporary, so they can assess whether new employees would make a good full-time employee. If you know anyone at the company, do a little research with current employees to see whether this is the tactic used by the company. If you can find out this key bit of information, you will be able to craft your answer better. Take a look at these possible answers Im available for part-time work now and I am interested in working for your company. In the coming months, I will be available to work more hours. (You can give a reason if you have one, such as family schedule, education schedule, etc.)I would love the opportunity to become a full-time employee. I am very excited at the prospect of this part-time job, but I would gladly accept a full-time position if it were ever available. I believe my organizational and time management skills would make me a very strong full-time employee. Ive wanted to work for your company for years because of your consistent success in the industry. I would definitely like to become a permanent employee for such a terrific organization. Im a quick learner with a passion for the work you do. If you discover that the company rarely promotes part-t ime staff to full-time, you should focus on why you are interested in working for the company in the offered position. You dont want to raise a red flag that you are looking to move on to a full-time position elsewhere. How to Respond If You Only Can Work Part-Time Hours Do as much research as possible before the interview as to the hours, shifts, and days of the week that the job requires. See if youre a good match considering your availability based on child care, education schedule, commuting logistics, etc. You can use this as the basis for your answer Im interested in working in the position for your company because (give reasons) and I am available (give the hours/days/shifts).I enjoy the flexibility of part-time work and am excited for the chance to give my undivided attention to your company three days a week. If my schedule changes in the future and allows me the time to do my best work for you full time, I would love the opportunity for a permanent job.At this time, te mp work is best for my family and I. I think I will fit in very well with your company culture, and for now, I think I can do that best in a temp position. Stay Positive No matter what your answer is, be sure to stay positive about the job for which youre applying. Express your enthusiasm for the company and the job when asked why you want to work there. Be sure to focus on how you can benefit the company rather than how the job or company will benefit you.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

What to Do After Youve Been Fired

What to Do After Youve Been FiredWhat to Do After Youve Been FiredGetting fired, unfortunately, can happen to the best of us. Regardless of the circumstances, what should youdo if youve been fired? First of all, dont beat yourself up. Dont dwell on it, since that wont help your situation. Instead, focus on what you are going to do next and how you are going to find another job. Keepin mind that another hurdle the stigma of being fired has just been added to your job search. That said, there are ways you can address this issue and put it in at least a neutral, if not a positive, light. What Not to Do After Being Fired Even though its difficult, you can make a bad situation worse by doing or saying the wrong thing to the wrong people when you have been fired. Its natural to feel angry, sad, and frustrated just make sure to restrict negative comment and complaints to your closest friends and family. But dont just walk out the door. There are things you need to know before you can move on. Steps to Take in the Immediate Aftermath Here iswhatto ask your employer about getting fired, includingquestions about severance pay, benefits, unemployment, and potential references. If you are feeling emotional, shocked, or otherwise unprepared for this conversation, you can ask if you can make an appointment to discuss these issues. In some cases, you may want to appeal your firing. However, its best to address your concernsthe day you are fired. Once you are home and assessing your next steps, itll be important to know when your brde paycheck will arrive and if the employer will provide a neutral reference that doesnt mention you being fired. Wrongful Termination and Unemployment Benefits Before you begin a job search, consider where you stand from a legal perspective. welches your firing legitimate or could it be consideredwrongful termination? Can you, or should you, consider suing for wrongful termination? Are you eligible forunemploymentbenefits? If you were fired for misconduct you may not be eligible, butdont assume that is the case. Check with yourstate unemployment office, especially if you have a different opinion than your employer does about how you parted ways. In many cases, if it isnt clear-cut,the unemployment officewill lean towards the unemployed job seeker, rather than the employer, when making a decision onunemployment compensation benefits. Resumes and Cover Letters All yourjob search correspondencemust be positive. There is no need to mention that you were fired in your resume or in yourcover letters. Make sure yourcover lettersaddress the position you are applying for and why, and how, you are qualified for it. Thats all you need to do. There is no point in bringing up the circumstances of your leaving until you have to. Job Applications After Being Fired When filling outjob applications, dont be negative, butdo be honest and dont lie, because it will come back to haunt you. You can use language like the job e nded or terminated if you need to state why you are no longer working at the job. If you are specifically asked if you were fired, you need to answer yes. Lying on a job application is grounds for dismissal at any time in the future and could cost you futureunemployment benefits. Interviewing for Jobs After Being Fired Heres wheregetting firedis going to matter most. You can be sure you are going to be asked the question Why did you leave your last job? The best bet is to keep it brief and to the point and avoid badmouthing your former employer. Sometimes its truthful to say the position wasnt a good fit, and we parted on good terms instead of saying I was fired. However you address it, dont lie, because it may come back to haunt you if a potential employer checks references or conducts a background check. Take some time to prepare answers to questions about being fired, so you know exactly what youll say, instead of trying to come up with an answer on the spot. The more prepare d you are, the less the firing will create a negative impression for an interviewer. Getting Fired and Moving On As hard as it may be, you need to get over getting fired and move on. You need to be able to convince employers that, regardless of what happened in the past, you are a strong candidate for a new position and can do the job. Focusing on the skills and experience you have, rather than the firing, will help sell you to the employer and will help you get the job.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Purchasing Hr Resume Examples

Purchasing Hr Resume Examples What You Dont Know About Hr Resume Examples The aim of your resume is to secure you the interview. If youre successful, they will surely learn more about the remainder of your resume and surely extend an invite for the all-important interview. You also receive an absolutely free job interview tracker for a bonus. Each interview has a certain function. The Fundamentals of Hr Resume Examples That You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Right Away No more are you stuck in the exact same stelle for your complete life. You may have a photo at the top if you prefer. It is crucial to match each work experience to the skills needed by the work position. The previous step i.e. the most important one provide your prior knowledge in the appropriate post. A HR employer doesnt care you have five decades of experience as a ballet dancer. It is imperative to bring any certification you might have to the career objective section. The career aim is the ver y first bit of information your possible employer will see, so its important to come from the gate swinging. The HR and functional rounds has caused the exact score for the two candidates. If you have a look in the samples career objective you will find that the candidate provides some important information from the get-go. Ordinarily in the event the candidate does not have sufficient work experience, the functional or combination formats would be perfect. Most candidates do not understand and dont believe in the ability of linkedIn network. The 1st candidate doesnt have a LinkedIN profile. The Importance of Hr Resume Examples Try to remember, a candidate which you dont wind up hiring for a specific job opening could make a huge candidate for some other of your current or future job openings. Ads usually contain what the business thinks is vital in a candidate. To produce the decision of picking the best simpler, lets look at a number of the very best Recruitment Software Of 2019. If you wish to receive a nice job, you require a good resume. The Number One Question You Must Ask for Hr Resume Examples Infographic resumes are absolutely new trend. Hiring managers have a tendency to make preconceived notions about candidates which may not be in your favor. They are busy people and if they scan your resume and cant find some information or skills fast you are not the one, who would get a call today The Supreme Approach to Hr Resume Examples Include a summary paragraph at the peak of your resume and tie everything in the work description with all youve accomplished previously, she states. Never lie, however tempting it can be. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better likelihood of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. Again, if your grammar isnt that good, you must think about taking expert assistance. For instance, you can select a text-based layout with a pro fessional look that will allow you to highlight your work experience. You wish to opt for a resume template which will help you make a terrific first impression, even before people start reading. The builders permit you to personalize your template depending on your requirements. The builders youll find there provide a wide variety of features for each and every sort of resume. If youre just enjoy the many job seekers around who need to compose the best resume, have a look at our Best Resume Format to see different samples. Download our creative resume templates and you are going to have professionally designed CV in no moment The absolute most hard step here is to choose which resume format is appropriate for you. To land a human resources job, it is essential to prepare a resume in the correct format. Things You Wont Like About Hr Resume Examples and Things You Will Youre surfing your laptop, attempting to locate old resume. Yes, leveling people does mean that you produce a hierarchy of seniority within your organization, and that indicates you must look closely at your people to make certain they are happy and feel they are progressing in their career properly. Even youre using non-traditional job searching approaches and dont use any on-line sources. Youve probably already seen a dizzying amount of online ideas for how to compose a resume, and arent sure about the way to make sense of it all. Employing exactly the same keywords will assist you in making clear that you have what the provider is searching for when you make your resume. Increasingly, organizations are becoming allergic to leveling. Challenges The business was far away from my house and I had conveyance problems.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Life, Death and Office Manager Resume Sample

Life, Death and arbeitszimmer Manager Resume Sample Top Choices of Office Manager Resume Sample If you dont force yourself to acquire specific when writing, then your resume will be vague, and you wont be an ideal fit for any specific position. The art of crafting a resume is mora than simply selecting the suitable structure, employing the correct power words and making certain the grammar is ideal. No matter your degree of work practical understanding, your resume structure is crucial to making your application stick out. Whatever your level of job knowledge, it is crucial to making your program stand out. Office Manager Resume Sample No Longer a Mystery To begin with, add your contact info at the peak of the cover letter. A cover letter is vital if you want to have that interview. In only a moment, youll have a top-notch entry-level cover letter. Any formal letter like a cover letter should incorporate a date of writing. Details of Office Manager Resume Sample The cap acity to adapt and improvise is crucial. Make aya that the objective is pertinent to the work description that you should have carefully studied. A resume objective lets you concentrate on the objective. You will have to motivate, discipline and resolve conflicts on a normal basis. The Importance of Office Manager Resume Sample Show your passion by mentioning whatever you like about the organization. You also have to have a work experience section in which you list previous relevant work experiences. Theres a simple way to demonstrate your resume experience. Its possible for you to include all of the information which you believe they have to have a pleasant stay. Its possible to either receive a similar job in the exact same industry, receive a different job in the exact same industry, receive a similar job in a different industry or receive a different job in various industry. When interviewing for an amtsstube management position, it is completely acceptable to request specific facts about the work description as different companies have various expectations for office managers. Speak to people in your network to discover about job opportunities, get in contact with hiring managers and learn more regarding the work market through informational interviews. Attempt to locate the particular name of the HR director to insert at the surface of the company address. Administrative skills are required for a number of jobs, that range from office assistants to secretaries to office managers. Administrative assistants have to be in a position to deal with many specifics and challenging situations at the same time. They anticipate what resources are necessary to ensure that the boss is able to complete projects on time. Skilled administrative assistants utilize timely wisely to realize outstanding productivity. Office manager positions in areas like the NHS and greater education will normally comply with a grading structure. Courses are often cover ed by the employer, but training budgets could be restricted. Work experience is crucial on an office assistants resume as their degree of experience may decide how much responsibility he or shes offered. Even though a high school education is needed, postsecondary training is available and can be preferred. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Office Manager Resume Sample Is Wrong As part of management, you have to have a certain set of skills that permits you to manage different employees and operations effectively. Be precise, including information written especially for the job youre applying to. You are able to look at job positing sites and business websites to figure out about opportunities. Find out more about the company in order to fully grasp the company and any additional, relevant experience or knowledge youve got to offer. Organizing records and files another major responsibility. Relevant office experience is critical. The aide has to be capable of co ordinating activities, communications and operations as a way to facilitate effective support. Without detailed information regarding the party youre preparing for, you are unable to construct the ideal marketing flyer. Things You Should Know About Office Manager Resume Sample As an overall manager, youll want to highlight your management and communication abilities. Communication another major part of effective management. Given the significant selection and sorts of Office Managers, its critical to make your resume reflect the particular kind of manager job which youve held. Organization Administrative jobs of all types need strong organizational skills. A competent office manager wouldnt go straight to the CEO but they would attempt to ascertain who is the upcoming suitable person to deal with this problem. As the job of office manager isnt exclusive to a particular industry and is a rather common part in businesses of many types, its a very stable field. Should you do your work well, the office will appear to run itself. A lot of the job is reactive, and that may be among the biggest challenges reacting to and prioritizing the myriad request an office manager gets from all around the organization. Bottlenecks can happen for senior posts, particularly whenever there are several office managers inside an organisation. As a rule of thumb, office managers are accountable for many aspects of a company. As a consequence, aides must be in good physical condition.